engage | evolve | experience
An inclusive community where everyone is empowered to succeed.
To inspire everyone in our community to read, create, explore and connect.
have courage | act responsibly | pursue knowledge | push boundaries | welcome everyone
2022 – 2026 Library Strategic Plan
This Strategic Plan for the Brockville Public Library is the result of the combined efforts of members of the Board, staff, customers, partners, and the community. It provides a positive opportunity to look into the future, to develop plans, to revise, focus and improve library services.
The Library’s Strategic Plan is a living document, it is regularly reviewed to re-assess priorities and adjust the goals, objectives and strategies as conditions change. It is the foundation for the continued growth and development of the Library. Responsibility for each strategic objective will be assigned on an annual basis by the Board and CEO.
Annual Reports
Take a look at our past annual reports. Contact us if you require an accessible format.